Friday, May 17, 2002

On a rainy evening...

Headed to GRS Water Park (or some such) tomorrow, along with the team from office. This is close to Mysore, so another long bus ride in store. Should be fun, though.

My bike refused to start today morning. Sindha says this will be a thing of the past once we get the Palio. But what if the Palio doesn't start ? I know zilch about cars. I know zilch about anything mechanical in fact. I don't have a black thumb.

Checking hotmail is bliss now that I have filtered out everyone apart from the folks on my address book. And since my address book contains just three addresses, I don't get any mail nowadays. I wonder why e-mail harvesters haven't started on my yahoo id.


  1. by the way was conteplating to upgrade my suzuki supra to a palio too...but decided on the 93 model maruti 800 which i am getting as dowry.

  2. Heh! heh! Speaking of black thumbs..
    I have ten of them.

  3. Dowry rules, yeah! ;)

  4. No black thumb? Strong arms would be helpful then.....
