Thursday, July 1, 2004

Wearing my Suresh Gopi hat

Listen, you effing bastard. If you come over here one more time and peer over my shoulder to see what I'm doing, I swear I'll cut your goonies off and feed them to the barnacles. Just remember that!


  1. Okay okay I'm out of here... Couldn't you put it mildly? Gosh! ;)

  2. Technical question #1- Would you wear gloves while you cut them off?
    Technical question #2- Would you take the effing bastard to the barnacular area and the effect the cut or would you take the cut goonies to the barnacles.
    Ethical question #1 - Do you want to cut my goonies off for asking these questions?

  3. Try playing Frank Zappa's Fuck Yourself everytime he passes by. Even better if you can sing it out loud.

  4. why dont you leer at him and rub yourself at the same time. sometimes it helps or it might prompt him to peer somewhere else!

  5. oh great idea!! you are THE cat.

  6. My sentiments exactly to the paranoid fool who does the exact same thing. Everyday. Gaah! (he's actually think-skinned enough to ignore the sarcasm, and no, he isn't my superior either)

  7. Or maybe show him your userpic?

  8. My supervisor I can deal with. This jackass is my peer. Or so he believes, heh heh.

  9. Talk about... um... peer pressure.

  10. Goodies alle?

  11. the case of the peering peer

  12. the fool of the tool fool and the void droid ?

  13. What is a 'suresh gopi' ?

  14. Those bloody fancy "airport" glasses really need to become more mainstream ... we all need it, it seems (judging by the "me too"s in the comment-stream)

  15. This is. Action hero, famous for his English dialogues in Malayalam movies.

  16. What are the bloody fancy airport glasses?

  17. Peers are more trouble. especially when they don't know the meaning of healthy competition....

    > This jackass is my peer. Or so he believes, heh heh.

  18. i can do an item number on request and cash at his desk if you want!

  19. 1. I was prescribed a rear-view mirror for this problem. Apparently they have ones that fit on your monitor.

    2. Occasionaly raise your arms very swiftly as if to yawn. This might discourage over-shoulder peerers. You might want to push the chair backwards as well.

    3. Would write more but...

  20. I thought it was "goolies". Maybe they're all variations on a theme.

  21. Why don't you try returning the favor. Also make comments loudly about whatever he's doing as you look over his shoulder!!

  22. Someone invented a laptop with a "screen filter" on it such that the only way anyone else could look at the stuff on the screen was to wear a certain special kind of glasses (lenses) which would polarize the light the correct way for human gr0kking ... This was back in 1999 or 2000 or so, and it was expected that such fancy laptop-screens + glasses combo would be uber-popular by 2001, esp. at airports and such.

    Turns out it bombed, I guess ... :(
