Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Another tech question

I'm thinking of getting an external hard drive, maybe about 80GB in size. Read somewhere that a clever option would be to buy a USB case which can take an internal disk drive. This would not only be cheaper, but also gives me the option of plugging in a dvd writer or other devices into the case later on.

What do you think? Suggestions? Brands?

This journal is fast turning into a classified ads section


  1. I bought one such HD-case some months ago for INR 1250. None of the fancy branded stuff, this was a Mercury/Frontech Case, which was much used in semi-Industrial Espionage, and seems to be working fine even now.

    But I think you need to get seperate cases for CD/DVD drives and hard disks. Not too sure.

  2. I have a 40GB one which works great. I paid @ 7K for it. You get a 80GB for @ 9-10K. I am not sure if it allows the option of plugging in other devices to the case, since with the case I have, it seems unlikely.

    I have a Transcend case & a Hitachi hard disk. And its plug and play, it can be stored separately which is why I bought it in the first place. I store my backup and music on that disc.

  3. go for 120GB with usb case.80 --> 120GB not much price difference.

  4. Yeah, I'll keep that option in mind, thanks.
