Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's noon and all is well.

Beam me up, Scotty.



Mornings are good. You wake up bright and early, inhale that fresh morning air and head over for that invigorating cuppa. What's more, the baby is asleep.

Evenings are bad. You reach home after a hard day's work and your legs are grabbed by a two-foot-something clutching a dog-eared copy of Heidi. After hideous Heidi, it's time for the comics. Then it's food. Then colouring pens. Then comics again. Then stories featuring the monkey and the crocodile. More stories about the monkey. You even convert Androcles into a monkey, you are that desperate. You fall asleep before you realize it, mumbling something about the monkey who beat a hare in a race.

Saw Pandippada the other day, at Trivandrum. Was surprised to see the words 'Thank God' at the beginning of the movie before the titles rolled. As puts it, these words should have been at the end. I'm told this is common in Mal movies these days. Hmm.

I'm hungry.


  1. Thank you so much for this post. Really ! It's well in time and all that.

  2. Ahahaha. Thank you both. You made my day.

  3. Oh, my pleasure entirely. Really!

  4. Trivia: The line "Beam me up, Scotty", like "Elementary, my dear Watson" from Sherlock Holmes, is actually never used anywhere in the original series.

  5. Really? I could have sworn it was.

  6. Closest you get is in ST4: "Scotty, beam me up"

  7. Oh, but how about the TV series?
