Monday, June 18, 2007

Rocky Revisited

I keep coming back to Rocky. When I get depressed, I turn to the Gonna Fly Now theme music, or the rejuvenating Eye of the Tiger. When I feel I need to exercise but just can't be bothered enough to go out and run, I watch the training montages and make myself believe I can do all that.

Saw Rocky Balboa the other day and just broke down, completely.

The guy is old, over the hill, there's no way in hell he can win. No way he can pull off a miracle, trying to compete with someone young.

He loses, of course.

Not without a fight, though. He did what he does best - continue fighting, last the distance. Because that's all he knows to do, that's all he can do. Keep fighting, knowing that he'll lose, not giving a damn.

Continue fighting, go the distance.


  1. 'twas a good un. Nice way to end it all too. And he was still as goofy and lovable as he has been till the end. I think what I didn't like were the multiple endings, though.

  2. I didn't know about the alternate ending till you mentioned it. Found it on You-Tube, of course.
