Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 & 2009

It's been a mixed year, like most others. Ups and downs, professional and personal. A year of very little interaction on LJ, though. I didn't post much, you guys didn't either. Blame it on Twitter, Facebook, Orkut and what have you. Blame it on laziness. Old age. Ennui.

Or perhaps blame it on the fact that society itself is moving towards instant gratification, capsule reviews, micro updates. No one wants to spend more than five minutes on anything anymore. And even if you do, why do you watch a movie? Because everyone's talking about it, because you won't be cool if you don't talk about it too. Why read a book? Because it's won the Booker and everyone's talking about it. Because the movie had millions of teenage girls queuing up, shrieking. Why have an opinion? You don't need to. Not when you can copy paste others viewpoints to your twitter.

I am getting old. 37 in a few months, for crying out loud! I never believed I would be this old, to be honest. Nor did I think I would lose this much hair.

And you guys have aged too. and , did you ever think you'd be a dad one day? , did you know you'd write for Rolling Stone magazine? , did you see yourself being rated India's #1 Twitter user?

What I'd like for 2009 though is to write more and read more. Read what you guys really think about these days. Put aside that damn Twitter or Facebook status update for a few minutes. Write about language, ! About Delhi, about Mumbai, . About comics, about music, . About technology, about the sheer magic of being a geek, . About life itself, all of you. Don't be comfortably numb. Please.

Happy New Year, everyone.


  1. You can get the twitter update to be your facebook status, 50% time saved for you to write more

    And since you want nothing from me, I am going to go crawl into a corner, suck my thumb and go to sleep. *thumb on nose, fingers fanned out, sticks out tongue*

  2. Yeah, I do believe I stopped updating/checking lj in 2008 because it was becoming a chore and taking up too much time. But then I realized nothing good comes for free (and lj is one of the 'free' gratifications of my life), the good part of lj being that it serves as an excellent window to the past. Often, i find myself stumbling down old posts, not only mine but also the oldtimers' and finding true gems that make the day breeze past. It's what I've missed most in 2008 and resolve to work at in 2009. :) Besides, recommendations are always welcome, the more opinionated, the better! ;)

    Happy New Year to you and family bro! :)

  3. Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Happy New Year to you!

  5. > Write about language, quizling! About Delhi, about Mumbai, veenven.

    I'd gladly write about veenven if I had the foggiest idea what she's up to. (But wait, I seem to have read that wrong...)

  6. Delhi's quite foggy these days.

  7. Just got back from a vacation, and some habits dont' change :) - I do have to catch up with old posts!

    When you put it this way, it's difficult reconciling to how much things have changed. One moment it feels like a zillion years ago, and the next it feels just like y'day. But yes, would be wonderful to rewind the clock a bit and see the friends page light up with the sort of posts that made my 2002-04 years... Or thereabouts.

    And happy new year! (Before I get too misty-eyed and all :-))

  8. Thank you. Keep reading, keep updating, please.

  9. Ha ha. See what I mean? Don't just make funny comments, post!

  10. How I missed this. I'm taking extended time off from computer screens over the next few months, so perhaps one day...

    (FWIW, as of this week I'm geeking out on a new 22" monitor, a new file and media server and close to two terabytes of storage.)

  11. What sort of storage do you have now? I'm only just getting started. ;)

  12. I agree man. Never thought I'd be a dad one day. I am trying to get more regular on my blog. Am hoping to cross post on LJ, if I can get the wordpress plugin to kickstart
