Thursday, January 10, 2002

Weak days

Sindha and I really should learn Kannada. Or at least mug up the days of the week in Hindi, since I think they share the same root. All we know now are Budhavara and Shanivara, as they are similar in Malayalam. The conversation last Sunday between Sindha and our maid servant Lingamma, went like this.

Lingamma : "so when should I come next ?" (in Kannada)
Sindha: "Tuesday banni"
Lingamma: "eh ?"
Sindha: " varam banni. Chovvazhcha"
Lingamma: "eh ?"
Sindha sighs and says: "Budhavaram banni".

Postscript: Its Thursday today and Lingamma hasn't turned up yet


  1. Ha ha!

    I've been struggling with Kannada since 1996, my friend.

    But I have found the secret. And it is...

    ... the magical word "Maadi". It means "do"

    Combining "maadi" with English words can get things done. For example, tell an autorickshaw driver "left turn maadi" and "right turn maadi". Similar constructs are "open maadi", "clean maadi", "bill maadi", and my favourite, "adjust maadi".

  2. Ha Ha. Njaayar vaaram? thinkal vaaram?
    "Aithu cousins nelli.. thathante personal aasthi..ninakke siggude"

    Oh! Gopitis. Har de har har. This is killing me.

  3. Does this call for a change of moniker from "madman" to "maadiman" ;)

  4. Hmmm... with my "can do" (i.e., "maadi") attitude, maybe that isn't such a bad idea :P

  5. I could use some forwards (Made in Japan) so that I may really enjoy these references.
    Kindly do oblige. :)

    The perfect word hath Jay coined for him - encyclopedophile.
    Har de har har!
    Also, hyuk! hyuk!
