Monday, May 27, 2002

Saw three offbeat movies

1. Mulholland Drive - yesterday
2. Being John Malkovich - last week
3. Rushmore - week before last

Liked all of them, though I didnt understand Mulholland Drive at all. Is it necessary to understand something to like it ? Interesting thought.

1. Apocalypse Now
2. The Sound and the Fury
3. Elipathayam
4. Dali's paintings
5. Linux
6. Waiting for Godot
7. Krish Srikkanth's batting

More offbeat movies I've downloaded and plan to watch:

1. Donnie Darko
2. The Royal Tenenbaums
3. The Wall

I think my definition of 'offbeat' is offbeat.


  1. I suspect this is all just to have some fun with <lj-cut>.

  2. Ignore him; he's just a snob.
