Monday, November 29, 2004


I've never been a fan of The Strand book sales. They are always crowded, unorganized and the discounts aren't too great either. This time round though, I did find it enjoyable. I got a few good bargains and picked up some interesting books.

Vile Bodies - Evelyn Waugh The Informers - Bret Easton Ellis The War of the Worlds - HG Wells

You're Only As Good As Your Next One - Mike Medavoy So Many Cinemas - BD Garga Tim, An Indecent Obsession, The Ladies Of Missalonghi - Colleen McCullough

Asterix In Britain Asterix and the Goths Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield

Wild Town - Jim Thompson Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals - Robert M Pirsig

Now I need to get Suketu Mehta's Maximum City. I had read the first hundred pages at my cousin's place and was simply blown away.


  1. _Vile Bodies_ is a masterpiece and I have promised myself that it will always be on my British Novel syllabus. Are you a fan of Waugh?

  2. I nearly bought Wild town on mroe than a couple of occassions. Tell me how it is, please.

  3. Never read him. Wanted to try this out

  4. How is "You'r only as good as your next one"? Sounds really interesting book. Please give a review if possible. thanks!

  5. How much was Wild Town? I didn't see it during my 10 min run around the place. I too picked up So Many Cinemas.

  6. I think it was about Rs 240 - 260. There were quite a few copies available.

  7. madhav do tell me what you thought of lila once you finish it
    dont want to read a pseudo-philosophical run
