There comes a moment every year in a man's life when he looks back upon the year that passed and dwells on the lessons learnt, thereby becoming a better person.
This is not one of those moments.
I started off 2005 by keeping a log of all the movies I watched. I grew weary of this after a few months; blogging became a chore. So now when I look back and try to remember the best movies of the year, I am at a loss. Very few linger in my mind, truth be told.
Miller's Crossing is one for sure.
Revenge of the Sith is another.
Rajamanikyam, perhaps.
A History of Violence, definitely. Also
Before Sunset,
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
Black and
Crash. Best of the lot? I'd say it's a tie between
Miller's Crossing and
A History of Violence.
Books read have been few and far between. My reading has really dropped off the past year, what with the new job and the travel. In fact, I can't remember a single new book that I read and liked enough to talk about here. Oh, maybe
The Half-Blood Prince, what the hell.
I'm looking forward to some better reading in the new year though, after a few purchases I made recently - Dom de Lillo's
Underworld, Neal Stephenson's
Cryptonomincon, Akira Kurosawa's
Something Like An Autobiography, Woody Allen's
Collected Works, Samit Basu's
The Manticore's Secret (not yet purchased, but consider it done) and John Updike's
Bech: A Book.
On a different note, Rachu's favourite song these days (apart from her eternal #1, the song from
I'm A Believer) is a medly of two popular tunes. It goes:
Santa Claus is coming to town
Laughing all the way.
Indeed. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.